Are you dreaming of moving to another country or planning to move for study, work, accompanying a family member, retirement, or simply looking for adventure? Work with me. You don’t have to do it alone.
Are you ready to explore fresh possibilities, reinvent, and thrive in your new home? Work with me. You don’t have to do it alone.
Many of my clients are going through their unique life changing journeys while moving or living abroad for multiple reasons - study, work, accompanying spouse or family member, adventure, fulfilling a dream, or retirement. I’ve moved and lived in eight countries for the majority of the reasons stated here, and am looking into a world of possibilities for my own retirement. I know how partnering consistently throughout the journey of moving, adapting, and reinventing can help to ease the transition. You don’t have to do it alone.
Moving Abroad
MOVE: Shift from fear, overwhelm or self-doubt to making the move confidently.
6 sessions: USD $687 / EUR 625
This is for you if you are:
Contemplating moving abroad and are wondering if you’re ready for this big life change. What would my move to another country look like?
Preparing to move abroad for studies, work, accompanying a family member, or retirement. Where do I begin?
Blocked with fear of the unknown. How will this impact my personal and social life?
Struggling with self-doubt as you navigate the challenges that arise during the planning process. This is harder than I thought. Can I do this?
Grappling with guilt for leaving your family, friends, and community behind. What if they need me and I’m not around to help?
living abroad
Adapt: Shift from feeling lost and alone to embracing your new life in this new environment.
8 Sessions: USD $917 / EUR 815
This is for you if you are:
Experiencing homesickness, nostalgia, isolation, and stuck in the in-between of this unfamiliar place. How do I recreate the life I’m used to in this new environment?
Feeling disoriented and disconnected from your former identity and way of life. How can I ease into the process of letting go?
Tackling challenges and obstacles in everyday life e.g. accessing services, bureaucracy surrounding residence and work permits, finding employment, and building social connection. How can I stay grounded in this chaos?
Wondering if you’ll find social connection and support to build meaningful relationships and make this new place feel like home. I’m new to this culture and language, how do I begin to meet like-minded people and integrate into the community?
Reinvent: Shift from surviving to thriving in your new home.
6 Sessions: USD $687 / EUR 625
This is for you if you are:
Struggling with self doubt as you navigate challenges in this phase of re-forming your life e.g., career opportunities, social network.
Tangled in a web of surviving while you put your dreams on hold.
Questioning your purpose and what matters in your new life. Do my goals make sense in this new place?
Ready to accept who you are becoming in this new chapter, and want to revisit your dreams, and adjust them to what is meaningful to you at this stage of your life.
Open to exploring new possibilities to reinvent and write your new story.